Chemistry of EO 101

By Scents The Beginning (other events)

Thursday, October 25 2018 6:30 PM 9:00 PM MDT

Since 1950, at least 70,000 new chemical compounds have been invented and dispersed into our environment. Only a fraction of these have been tested for human toxicity. We are, by default, conducting a massive clinical toxicology trial, and our children and their children are the experimental animals. [SOURCE: HERBERT L. NEEDLEMAN, M.D., PHILIP J. LANDRIGAN, M.D., RAISING CHILDREN TOXIC FREE]

One BIG class rolled into one amazing experience!

6:30 pm - 7:15 pm Chemistry Of Essential Oils

The mind is a powerful thing. Our thoughts can shape our perceptions, our emotions, and even our genetics. Did you know that what you think today, whether toxic thoughts or life-giving thoughts are genetically influencing your lineage? Did you know that those poisonous thoughts or life-giving thoughts are directly affecting how well you handle stress and sickness? Research is showing that our thoughts can literally MAKE us sick! Or at the same time, bring complete healing. But even more so, epigenetic influences can be passed on from generation to generation.

If you want to learn how to "take every thought captive and make it obedient to Messiah" and learn the POWERFUL ways God has established to bring restoration to His people, then you don't want to miss this class! Some of the things we will be talking about include:

1. Thoughts and their effect on our health
2. Thoughts cause epi-genetic expression (be careful what you think about!)
3. You can literally change from the inside out - on a DNA level - by doing things in Biblical ways and by using HIS creation!

7:15pm - 8:00 pm MAKE & TAKE
How about some beverages and snacks to enjoy as you mingle with The Scents The Beginning family? Perfect, I thought you'd say yes! Create amazing homemade toxic free products using Young Living Oils! Learn to empower yourself to bring the BEST home to your family.

MEMBER REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED! We need to know how many people to expect. :-)

Option 1: $15 for Scents The Beginning Members (Free your non-Young Living guests for up to 5 guests - if more than 5 guests, please purchase another ticket)

Option 2: IF YOU ARE NEW TO OUR EVENT and no one invited you but you want to attend - It is FREE for YOU!! Just get a FREE ticket.